The Recovery of Ukraine Energy Sector: A Call for Support and Collaboration with Municipalities – Ecoclub Rivne is an environmental NGO

The Recovery of Ukraine Energy Sector: A Call for Support and Collaboration with Municipalities

Reconstruction has already begun and cities are ready to rebuild green.

It is time for international partners to cooperate with Ukrainian municipalities and explore various models to finance clean energy projects.
This brief outlines the current state of play in the field of green energy recovery in Ukraine. It provides recommendations to foreign governments, international partners, and national authorities to partner with local communities and rebuild the energy sector.

The main objective is to boost local communities’ energy resilience by providing loans, equipment rental, leasing, grants and co-financial mechanisms.

Download here:

The Recovery of Ukraine Energy Sector: A Call for Support and Collaboration with Municipalities (71 downloads )

The material is published within the framework of the project “Closing the
Loop: A Just Energy Transition Designed by Cities and Regions” with the
financial support of European Union. The contents of this document are
the sole responsibility NGO Ecoclub and can under no circumstances be
regarded as reflecting the position of European Union.