About us – Ecoclub Rivne is an environmental NGO

About organization

Ecoclub is non-governmental organization in Rivne that has been working for over 20 years to preserve the environment. More than 10 of them are in the field of energy saving, because energy has the most detrimental effect on the environment. We believe that nature is a value in itself, regardless of its practical benefits to man.

Our mission

To create a safe environment by influencing policies and strengthening communities.

Vision of Ecoclub

We believe that the unspoiled environment and wildlife are values ​​in themselves. Sustainable development of society will ensure the harmonious development of mankind without harming nature.

We inspire people by 1) disseminating knowledge about the importance of environmental protection; 2) mobilization to participate in the formation and implementation of energy and environmental policy; 3) solidarity and cooperation will allow to take into account the value of the environment at all levels of human existence.

We believe that increasing energy efficiency and the spread of renewable energy sources are vital measures to prevent further environmental degradation, including climate change. Such measures are a priority for the development of Ukraine.

Our values

We work for a secure future with sustainable energy.

We profess non-violence and tolerance and respect different views.

We maintain our independence from political parties and business interests.

We are aware of the impact of our actions on the environment and are working to reduce the negative consequences of such impacts.

Our strategic priorities

  • involvement of people in the formation and implementation of energy policy;
  • progressive policy decisions in the energy sector at the local and national levels;
  • available energy sources that do not harm the environment and climate;
  • taking into account the opinion of communities on the decision to build industrial facilities;
  • an effective procedure for environmental impact assessment in Ukraine, which makes it impossible to build industrial facilities that may pose a threat to people and the environment.

Our projects are aimed at:

  • improving the energy efficiency of public institutions and private houses;
  • improving local and national energy and climate policy;
  • development of other public organizations and initiatives;
  • development of renewable energy sources (in particular, solar);
  • reducing human impact on the climate;
  • reducing the impact of industry on the environment and communities;
  • monitoring of the environmental impact assessment system in Ukraine.

What are we doing today?

  • promote our ideas in the media;
  • we work with civil servants;
  • join the legislative activity;
  • we take part in international negotiations, conferences, workshops;
  • talk about green technologies;
  • we teach to build solar collectors, to insulate apartments;
  • we hold street actions, trainings, lectures, summer camps;
  • promote public monitoring of clean air;
  • we appeal in courts against decisions that allow the work of environmental polluters;
  • study the approaches of other countries to environmental impact assessment;
  • we work together with other public organizations!

Ecoclub team includes: executive director, 4 project coordinators, event manager, assistant, press officer, communication manager, accountant, analyst. Ecoclub has 53 members.

For the last 6 years, representatives of Ecoclub have been leading the Ukrainian Climate Network. From 2019, we will lead the coalition of public organizations "Energy Transition".

The main financial support of the Ecoclub is cooperation with the International Renaissance Foundation, the Foundation named after Heinrich Böll, Kyiv-Ukraine Bureau, the European Union, the German Society for International Cooperation GIZ, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ukraine.


Board of Ecoclub

Oksana Pohl

Oksana Pohl

Member of the Board

Oksana holds a bachelor’s degree in geographic information systems and technology from the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences, a bachelor’s degree in geography from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and in land management from the Technical University of Munich. Master’s degree in Anthropogeography and Sustainable Development from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.

Author of a climate podcast.

Since 2020 she has been a member of Ecoclub, and since 2021 she has been a member of Ecoclub board.

Oleh Hetun

Oleh Hetun

Chairman of the Board

Oleh is a private entrepreneur in the field of active recreation (rafting, corporate parties, quests, etc.). Another area of ​​work is the installation of industrial GPG-monitoring systems on commercial vehicles.

Oleh spends part of his time working in the public sphere, namely: working with children and youth in Plast NSOU, environmental protection with NGO “Ecoclub”, organizing competitions in water tourism and adventure races.

Education: Master of Ecology.

“I support Ecoclub because I have like-minded people in the field of environmental protection and I believe that the organization is doing a lot of good for this. I have an environmental education and need to implement in this area. I partially realize my knowledge and experience through involvement in the Ecoclub. Now I can spend little time on running or coordinating projects, because I chose the form of involvement to work in the board. ”

Vasyl Korbutiak

Vasyl Korbutiak

Member of the Board

Joined the board in 2023. Received his qualification as a hydraulic engineer with a degree in hydraulic engineering from Rivne State Technical University.

In 2008, he defended his PhD dissertation on “Improving methods for calculating maximum flows based on channel process parameters (on the example of rivers in the Ukrainian Carpathians)”.

Tetiana Tsykun

Tetiana Tsykun

Member of the Board

Research Fellow at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity.

Areas of professional activity – ecology, forest phytopathology, genomics and population genetics of phytopathogens and tree pests.

She actively participated in the activities of Ecoclub as a volunteer during 2002-2005.

Tetiana joined the board of the organization in 2021.

Oksana Holovko

Oksana Holovko

Member of the Board

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ecology), Head of the Research Sector of the Derman-Ostroh National park.

Oksana joined the board of the organization in 2021.


Ecoclub statute

Положення про членство в Екоклубі

До уваги членів та прихильників Екоклубу! Нижче ви можете ознайомитися та завантажити Положення про порядок набуття та припинення членства, права, обов’язки та облік членів організації, сплату річних членських внесків та участі у заходах членів громадської організації «Екоклуб».

Положення про членство (26670 downloads )

Annual reports