Hospital in Chortkiv works independently of power outages thanks to a solar power plant – Ecoclub Rivne is an environmental NGO

Hospital in Chortkiv works independently of power outages thanks to a solar power plant

Hospital in Chortkiv works independently of power outages thanks to a solar power plant

In Chortkiv Central City Hospital was installed a solar power plant (SPP). Its power equals 50 kW. The SPP operates in combination with batteries that accumulate produced electricity. The plant will provide the facility with greater energy security: during power outages, patients will continue to access services. 

During a year more than 200 000 patients attend the hospital, and medical staff carry out on average 300 operations. 

“The hospital cannot function without stable electricity supply. Accept of massive costly equipment, cardio monitors, cardiac monitors, artificial lung ventilation devices, and anaesthetic stations must also work during surgeries. SPP ensures greater energy security, so, we are certain that electricity will not be interrupted during critical situations,” — Rostyslav Shulskyi, director of Chortkiv Central City Hospital

Project within Light for hospitals programme implemented a charity foundation Yellowblue Force Foundation thanks to financial support by Citi Ukraine, the NGO Ecoclub accompanied the installation. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine provided assistance and support in coordinating this project. The cost of the solar power plant with batteries is more than two million UAH. 

“In current conditions supporting of medical facilities is extremely important, because even one minute without electricity can cost a human life. Our goal is doing everything to provide stable and constant operation of as many hospitals in Ukraine as possible,”said Yulia Danyshchuk, Head of the Light for Hospitals programme at the YellowBlue Force Foundation

Operation of SPP has already helped to save community’s money. According to the 2024 tariff, the municipality will save about half a million UAH per year. The hospital is currently building a new rehabilitation unit and plans to expand the existing solar power plant. 

“We are one of four communities that in 2014 announced an ambitious goal to switch to 100% renewable energy sources by 2050. This is especially relevant now, and we can see it in the examples of already implemented projects that increase our energy security. Last year, we installed a 22 kW power plant on the roof of the hospital: its operation showed the first results and we continue to scale this project,” said Volodymyr Shmatko, Mayor of Chortkiv. 

Chortkiv continues to grow: within a year, the community plans to equip two pre-schools and a rehabilitation centre with solar power plants. 

Since the beginning of 2022, Ecoclub, together with communities, has installed 23 solar power plants for water utilities and hospitals. The environmentalists have received more than 600 applications from municipalities across Ukraine that want to develop renewable energy sources. 

“Every second community understands the importance of providing critical infrastructure with renewables. This will not only increase their energy security in the face of blackouts, but will also help to save budget funds that can be used for other energy-efficient projects. We plan to install more than 30 SPPs this year,” says Dmytro Sakaliuk, an expert at NGO Ecoclub.