The aim of the project is to draw the attention of national and international institutions to the problems with the quality of sustainable energy action plans (SDAP)..
SEAP – is a Covenant of Mayors initiative and the only complex obligatory document to reduce emissions of GFG and increase city’s energy efficiency
Main objectives of the project:
- to train civil society organizations to analyze budget expenditures on energy efficiency;
- to promote the improvement of sustainable energy action plans in cities;
- to communicate the need to establish the tools for civic participation in local energy policy.
As part of the project, the Ecoclub will develop a unified methodology for the analysis of the SEAPs, which can be used by any non-governmental organization in Ukraine. On October 12-13, 2017 the training for NGOs based on it, was held, where, in addition to the analysis of the SEAP, the dissemination of information and investigation of the local budgets were discussed. After the training, project partners from Khmelnytsky, Poltava, Kremenchuk and Rivne analyzed SEAPs in their cities with the advice and media support of the Ecoclub. Based on the results of the analysis, a report was prepared and discussed at round tables in the above-mentioned cities. During these events we collected recommendations for the national report – the first generalized document on the quality of the SEAP in Ukraine. The report was presented for central authorities and relevant stakeholders in Kyiv on May 31, 2018.
Project duration: July 17, 2017 – July 16, 2018
The project “Public Participation in Sustainable Energy Action Plans” is implemented by the NGO Ecoclub in frame of the program “Public Budgets from A to Z: Informing, Activating and Involving Civil Society” implemented by the Eastern Europe Foundation in partnership with the Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Foundation PAUCI with the financial support of the European Union.