Sustainable energy – Ecoclub Rivne is an environmental NGO

Sustainable energy

Sustainable energy

Russians have been attacking large power plants and substations in an attempt to disrupt Ukraine’s electricity grid. This is one of the reasons why distributed power generation is important: small power plants powered by renewable energy sources are harder to disable than one large coal-fired thermal power plant. 

The benefits of distributed generation include increased reliability of electricity supply, energy independence of consumers who generate electricity for themselves; involvement of a large number of people in the energy transition with the opportunity to invest in this transition, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. 

In times of war, uninterrupted power supply is important for the operation of critical infrastructure, including water utilities and hospitals. Therefore, the development of decentralized grids and renewable energy sources will help municipalities to be resilient to crisis situations. Ecoclub contributes to municipalities’ energy independence and reconstruction by engaging in decision-making and creating pilot renewable energy projects in municipalities.

What we do

– Inform and train community representatives in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources (RES).

Help install solar power plants for hospitals and water utilities.

– Provide technical support in the construction of solar power plants.

– Promote local management and technical solutions that lead to a change in approaches to energy management and the implementation of energy efficiency measures.

– Advocate for the necessary changes by engaging community leaders. 

Results achieved

– 11 solar power plants at different stages of construction for hospitals and water utilities (Zviahel, Zhytomyr Oblast; Zhytomyr, Zhytomyr Oblast; Brody, Lviv Oblast; Sumy, Sumy Oblast; Dubno, Rivne Oblast; Rivne, Rivne Oblast, etc.)

– 33 developed feasibility studies for the installation of SPPs in Ukrainian municipalities.

With our support

– Several revolving funds were created.

– A medium-term energy efficiency program for Rivne Oblast was developed.

– A hackathon on energy efficiency in medical institutions was held.

– Communities are developing two programs to support the development of renewable energy sources.

How to join this activity

– Participate in discussions of regulations to improve legislation;

– Participate in competitions and trainings organized by Ecoclub and partners;

– Apply to the Ecoclub for joint project implementation ( if you have documentation and/or funding.