District heating – Ecoclub Rivne is an environmental NGO

District heating

District heating

District heating is a valuable resource for Ukrainian communities. Its preservation and development will help communities become energy-independent, reduce energy costs, create jobs, and move away from fossil fuels, which will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Municipal district heating systems are important for the transition to low-carbon heating after the victory. DH will allow Ukrainian communities to use energy resources more efficiently and provide a stable and regulated heat supply.

Currently, district heating has a negative image among end consumers. The reason is the low quality of services caused by decades of tariff policy and lack of investment. Some cities are hesitant to maintain district heating in the future and are abandoning it. This is a dangerous precedent that will make it much more difficult to transition the city’s heating to clean technologies in the future. 

What we do

– assisting in the creation of pilot projects in municipalities (RES, heat pumps, etc.) to introduce the latest technologies in district heating systems (we are looking for partners).

– developing new approaches to the work of district heating operators that will allow them to benefit from energy efficiency measures. 

– helping municipalities develop feasibility studies for the use of heat pumps in district heating systems.

Results achieved

– 11 feasibility studies have been developed for the installation of heat pumps for four communities in Ukraine (Lutsk, Zvyagel, Khmelnytsky, Kostopil).

– model contracts/agreements have been developed that will allow district heating operators to expand the list of services for consumers, namely to make a profit not only from the sale of heat but also from the implementation of energy efficiency measures.

How to join this activity

– Follow the news and learn about opportunities for Ukrainian municipalities.

– Share information about successful examples and experience in implementing RES projects.

– Spread the word about our projects in your municipality.