Photo: Protest against Kronospan in Rivne.
Source: 4vlada.com
The conclusion on the safety of pollutant emission concentrations and compliance with sanitary and hygienic regulations, issued in the Report on Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of Technoprivid Invest Group LLC, is untrue. According to the calculations conducted by Ecoclub, the concentration of formaldehyde in the atmospheric air will be nine times higher than the Maximum permissive concentrations (MPC).
The EIA report contains critical flaws in the calculation of the expected concentration of pollutants after the wood processing plant starts operating. These critical flaws have arisen due to the application of the Maximum permissible concentration at one time (one-time MPC) for the case when the Maximum permissible concentration during 24 hours (average daily MPC) should be used.
Ecoclub considers it unacceptable to spread false information and underestimate the possible risks both to the environment and human health. We support attracting investments for the development of the Rivne region in an honest and open way, with an analysis of possible more environmentally friendly alternatives.
Other remarks of Ecoclub to the EIA report include:
- The EIA report does not contain data on the background concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air, surface waters and soils at the location of the planned object, the village of Horodok. At present, there are other industrial enterprises already operating and emitting pollutants near the planned Kronospan plant. Ignoring background contamination can lead to even higher concentrations of pollutants.
- According to the EIA report, in the village of Horodok it is not planned to conduct permanent independent monitoring of the state of the environment, the data of which would be in an open access. Moreover, there are currently no laboratories in Rivne oblast that would be able to conduct monitoring in the required range and volume.
- It is also not planned to compensate local residents who may experience deteriorating health and the decrease of price for the real estate located near the future enterprise. Representatives of Technopryvid Invest Group LLC claim that the Laws of Ukraine do not contain such requirements. However, in Ukraine there are no restrictions on entities making such commitments voluntarily.
- The EAI report provides no analysis of potential accidents and their consequences for the environment and human health.
These remarks were submitted to the Rivne Oblast Department for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources. Environmentalists insist that the proceedings of the planned activities of Technopryvid Invest Group LLC be declared inadmissible due to incomplete and unreliable information provided in the EIA report.
For further information:
Formaldehyde is an organic compound, a colorless gas of high toxicity with a pungent odor. In the atmospheric air it is harmful primarily to mucous membranes and skin. It causes irritation, itching, and rash. Other common signs of formaldehyde poisoning caused by the emissions from furniture and other household objects include fatigue, frequent headaches, and difficulty sleeping. Regular eye inflammation and allergic skin manifestations are also possible.
The Maximum permissible concentration at one time (one-time MPC) is the maximum concentration of the pollutant in the atmospheric air that does not cause reflex responses in the human body, and is defined from samples taken over a 20-30 minute time interval.
The Maximum permissible concentration during 24 hours (average daily MPC) is the concentration of the pollutant in the atmospheric air that does not have a direct or indirect effect on humans breathing during 24 hours.
Representatives of Kronospan have filed a lawsuit against Ecoclub