Location: Rivne, Zhytomyr, Khmelnytsky, Vinnytsia and Volyn regions.
Dates: 01.07.16 – 31.12.16
Donors to the action: Deutsch-Russischer Austausch (Berlin)
Objectives and results of the action:
The project aim: permanently mobilize the potentials of active young citizens in environmental protection, to expand the number of people committed in environmental NGOs and to take up socially urgent environmental issues in the peripheral regions, with the partner NGO from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus to develop creative environmental and climate protection projects and train them in project management.
• 66 applications were received for the micro-grants competition.
• 5 winners of the competition got financial support and get\got mentoring supervision from Ecoclub during all period of their projects implementation. 5 finalists realized their projects and mostly archive their goals.
• 2 training for 13 NGO. Participants reviewed the basic principles of successful project management; cooperation with the media; strategic and activity planning in organization.
• 3 NGOs from different regions of Ukraine develop a strong cooperation in frame of the project realization.
• final event of the project was united with Forum PowerShift 2016, where participants from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia presented their projects and shared their ideas. (see ‘Forum PowerShift 2016’).