Activity – Ecoclub Rivne is an environmental NGO

Adaptation to climate change

Adaptation to climate change

Every year, humanity suffers from abnormal heat, floods, forest fires, and other extreme weather events. These are consequences of climate change. It affects people’s quality of life and will force […]

Building the capacity of municipilaties

Building the capacity of municipilaties

As a result of the decentralization reform, municipalities have gained more opportunities for development. However, the institutional capacity of local governments in the climate, energy, and environmental sectors needs to […]

Enviromental impact assessment

Enviromental impact assessment

Consideration of environmental protection goals is an important prerequisite for industrial development, especially during the post-war recovery. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a procedure that determines the possible hazardous impact […]

Saving district heating

Saving district heating

Why it matters to us District heating (DH) is the most sustainable and reliable way to provide heat to a large number of consumers. Almost half of the heat consumed […]

Sustainable energy

Sustainable energy

Russians have been attacking large power plants and substations in an attempt to disrupt Ukraine’s electricity grid. This is one of the reasons why distributed power generation is important: small […]